18/11/12, second day in a row
It's all good, man
I love the Saul Goodman character. He found this name the day he thought about a career change...
So, what did I do today?
- I fixed the "open in Emacs" applescript so as to use an elisp expression instead of UI scripting to open the file (or an empty buffer when no file is selected).
- I created the separate css file and referenced it in all the project files.
- I modified my .emacs.el so that emacs opens html? files in web-mode, which has tag auto-closing.
- I found a way to html-ize the applescripts so that I can link to an html file instead of a plain applescript file. The solution is to convert the embedded .rtf file to html with textutil on the command line:
$ textutil -convert html /path/to/rtf_file.rtf
- Shane Stanley proposed some ASObjC code to do that for packages that don't have an embedded .rtf file. The CSS and HTML are slightly different from the textutil solution but the rendering is the same.
I'm going to re-link yesterday's script before the modification along with the new version, both html-ized:
So, basically I have my workflow all set up:
- I use <textfile to create an html file in the day's folder
- I edit it in emacs web-mode
- I check everything and commit with GitHub Desktop
Now I need to:
- applescript the creation of folder structures for each day including a simple html template
- eventually check the links automatically
I can do that later this week, and then revert to freeCodeCamp.