2018/11/29, nineteenth day in a row

Very slowly rss feed

I didn't do much at all

But I went to bed relatively early. Around 1am. I still did two lessons on freeCodeCamp. I'm close to finishing the third part in the responsive web certification.

I was supposed to close the company books and go to the tax office and pay the company taxes, etc. today. I did go to the tax office, but only to tell them that I'd be a week late... I was not happy about that, of course. There are too many things that I'm delaying, because there are just as many things that I should do before but that I am delaying too... It's a vicious circle that requires a lot of energy to disable. I'm working on that.

This freeCodeCamp thing is the first time in a long while that I commit myself to something that is not immediately related to survival. The last time was my driver's licence about 5 years ago (a 3 weeks course, all in Japanese, a lot of fun), and the time before was, way back when I was in university. The contents is not very challenging at all. Even for the things that are totally new. I guess it's more about finding ideas and hints in the code that you can tweak and use in your own practice projects. On the side, it is important to read documentation, like real books (I have a few A Book Apart titles, and an HTML5/CSS3 paper reference) and expert blogs, even if you don't understand everything.

I find that I have enough new knowledge of CSS now that I can try the 100 days CSS challenge, here.I may start that next week since freeCodeCamp is rapidly going to move into other territories...

Anyway, that's all for today. See you tomorrow.