2018/12/1, twenty-first day in a row

Shakuhachi rss feed

I was at John 海山 (カイザン) Neptune's free concert in Higashi Ueta today. Higashi Ueta is a bit far from home. My joke was that is was east of Nishi Ueta. That was the level of the jokes Neptune made during the concert, but he warned us about that, so that was cool. The concert was amazing. I've been playing shakuhachi on and off for more than 20 years, and because I have never been a truly serious student I still stagnate at a level where it is not all fun and always a lot of work... Maybe I need to start a #100DaysOfShakuhachi...

Background images...

No freeCodeCamp, but direct work on documentation and blogs to get this shakuhachi picture to nicely appear as a background image...

I used this "CSS Trick" by Chris Coyer, with a few personal modifications. I'm not fully satisfied with the trick because I don't understand it and because depending on where I put the <div> the background image moves around the space...