2019/02/10, reset the counter. 1st day

Getting ready... rss feed

I did a lot today. I understand what it means when programmers say "without good comments you can't understand code that you wrote months ago". My code is not complex by any stretch of the imagination, but it took a while to understand again how my emacs lisp templating worked, what was the structure of the project, etc.


In the course of 2 months I got acquainted with emacs a lot more. Since I started this project, 3 months ago, I decided to do as much writing as possible in emacs. That's a good challenge. Because when I'm blocked, instead of running to the usual BBEdit, I check the documentation (the emacs manual or the emacs lisp reference), either directly from emacs, or from the pdf version. Also, the more I know about emacs, the more I am interested about ideas and suggestions I find on the web, and the more I am able to understand them.


I've done very little regarding the web in two months, but since I've been an active emacs users, I've tried a number of things, of which the poker.el package is one. poker.el is a simple "user vs computer" Texas Hold'em program developed by Mario Lang. The problem I had with it was that every thing took place in the echo line and in the *Message* buffer and that made the game difficult to follow. What I did, on my local version (and now little by little on github) is, put everything in a dedicated buffer, add a few visual decorations (spaces, line breaks, etc.), add a "leave table" command, and similar "UX" goodies that don't alter the code much but make the game easier to play. Nothing is perfect and I'm still investigating how to make things even smoother. One thing that I practiced, is using Magit on a real life project. I knew Magit was amazing from what I had heard, but being able to use that git interface directly from emacs made the workflow so much easier.

Back on the chain gang

I'm back to web things now, starting slowly and resuming a more intensive pace over the coming days... And I'm happy :)