Adventures in Tech Land, Season 2
2019/12/01, day 6

org export rss feed

Most of the past day was spent on working with the org-mode export. The manual is relatively clear about which options one can use. I added a "UP" link and a "HOME" link (interesting to see that even if you add only one the other is automatically created. I guess that's a bug...)

I've just been reminded that I'm not automatically in web-mode when I write here. I don't get the end tag completion. I need to add a hook for html files...

back to css

I know basic CSS syntax, but I forgot most of the basic properties. I had to do a lot of trial and error, compare with the old css files I had... And doing all this I also modified a lot of things here and there.

magit, at last

I knew it was preferable to do small commits to make sure modifications were reversable. So I tried to do that, and my current commit list for today's batch is the following:

I spent a lot of time in magit, and it was fun. And it's interesting to see how using magit forces me to focus on fixing things little by little, while org-mode helps me register all the things I don't want to fix now. Nice combination of tools. And all that thanks to emacs :)

I don't know if magit is fun because it is intrinsically fun and easy to use, or because I know enough of git to make sense of it now. I guess it's a little of both.

Ok, enough for today. I'll be fixing a few bits here and there and then push before starting a nice and sunny Sunday :)