2019/11/24, restarting from scratch

9 months have passed rss feed

It's a bit heartbreaking to read previous entries and see how happy I was to start something new again, after so many years. Although there are also things I am happy I did, the last few months were a mess.

So, let me make a list of things I can be relatively proud of and of things I really should reflect on.

The good, mostly not related to tech

The bad, I'm not sure where to start...

What's next?

Well, I'm not sure. The place where I live now has no internet connexion. So I use my newly acquired phone to provide the access but I don't want to use too much of my data plan on tethering to my laptop. We won't have "home" internet access until we completely move in the new appartment so I may have to stay on low bandwidth tethering longer than I thought. But I guess that's a good thing. I'm re-learning to see the text-web, without images. I found a bandwidth simulation tool for macOS that limits my use of the net too.

I've just checked w3schools.com and it is reasonably accessible without graphics. freecodecamp.org seems to have issues with very low bandwidth access. I can't have access to the login page. exercism.io loads, but the github login took some time. 100dayscss.com loads fine but the css rendering seems to take forever. Weird. I guess I'll focus on w3schools.com for now.

Translation. I'll be partnering with a site that translate Japanese novels. So I'm reading novels. I have no idea where that will take me but that's better than being refused translations by publishers.

Et voilà. That's a long update, but thin in contents when you consider it spans 9 months. I'd like to think of them as a gestation period after which I'm reborn a bit more resilient. We'll see.