2019/11/25, second day

Learning again rss feed

Well, the last 9 months were not spent in a vacuum of things so some of the stuff actually did stick. I'm much more proficient with emacs (and I can find information about my issues when I need), and even though I've not used it much, I feel like git it less of an issue now.

I've checked my old elisp based template system and thigs don't work anymore, but before working on that, I need to make sure I get the basic tasks right. So here is...

My basic git workflow

As github help says, user pages are published from the master branch. But as the same help also says, only data pushed to gh-pages will count as github brownies... But now that I'm reading the help again, it seems I got this wrong anyway...

Whatever, what I've learned to do still holds, even if it's just redundant. So here is my basic git workflow, that I register here, for the day when I'll need to verify how it goes.

There is a lot of redundancy I suppose, and I guess the next step is to do that in emacs/magit.

Ok, enough for today, I'm already behind schedule for publishing...