Adventures in Tech Land. Season 4. Episode 2

Maracons rss feed

2024/02/19, 49th day

freeCodeCamp reboot 2/n

The reboot was a good occasion to fix some templating code. I knew I had to put conditions on the day entered and make sure it conformed to what the month made possible. Like, we can't have a 30th in February, and in fact this year being a leap year we can have a 29th.

It took me some time to get back to Emacs Lisp and understand the code but I came up with this:


I also moved functions around, putting the unused ones at the end of the file, and putting some templating text into constants. Warning: I've not tested the code… 😅 I added the org-export-dispatch styles to the general stylesheet and kept the inline styling for the HTML.

Oh. And "Macarons" because we had macarons yesterday.

1.1. Step 9 <img alt>

Images, with alt text.

  <h1>Groundhog day</h1>
  <h2>My favourite day</h2>
  <p>Weird day list</p>
  <!-- it's way too late, I should be in bed -->
  <img src=""
       alt="Bill Murray with the captive groundhog">

1.2. Step 10 <a> link

Anchors to external links.

  <h1>Groundhog day</h1>
  <h2>My favourite day</h2>
  <p>Weird day list</p>
  <!-- it's way too late, I should be in bed -->
  <img src=""
       alt="Bill Murray with the captive groundhog">
  <a href=""></a>

1.3. Step 11 <a> link text

Without the text, the link is not a link.

  <h1>Groundhog day</h1>
  <h2>My favourite day</h2>
  <p>Weird day list</p>
  <!-- it's way too late, I should be in bed -->
  <img src=""
       alt="Bill Murray with the captive groundhog">
  <a href="">Groundhog day movie page at Wikipedia</a>

1.4. Step 12 inline text links

Any inline text can be turned into a link.

  <h1>Groundhog day</h1>
  <h2>My favourite day</h2>
  <p>Weird day list</p>
  <!-- it's way too late, I should be in bed -->
  <img src=""
       alt="Bill Murray with the captive groundhog">
  <p>There are plenty of <a href="">pictures of the Groundhog day movie</a> online.</p>
  <a href="">Groundhog day movie page at Wikipedia</a>

1.5. Step 13 deleting the other link

I can do that. But I won't.

1.6. Step 14 <a target>

A "blank" target opens a new window.

Cf. attribute reference at

   <h1>Groundhog day</h1>
   <h2>My favourite day</h2>
   <p>Weird day list</p>
   <!-- it's way too late, I should be in bed -->
   <img src=""
        alt="Bill Murray with the captive groundhog">
   <p>There are plenty of <a target="_blank"
href="">pictures of the Groundhog day movie</a> online.</p>
   <a target="_blank" href="">Groundhog day movie page at Wikipedia</a>

1.7. Step 15 images links

Anything can be turned into a link. Images too.

   <h1>Groundhog day</h1>
   <h2>My favourite day</h2>
   <p>Weird day list</p>
   <!-- it's way too late, I should be in bed -->
   <a alt="Groundhog day movie related videos" href="">
      <img src=""
        alt="Bill Murray with the captive groundhog"></a>
   <p>There are plenty of <a target="_blank"
href="">pictures of the Groundhog day movie</a> online.</p>
   <a target="_blank" href="">Groundhog day movie page at Wikipedia</a>

1.8. Step 16 sections

Sections section the contents…

   <h1>Groundhog day</h1>
     <h2>My favourite day</h2>
     <p>Weird day list</p>
     <!-- it's way too late, I should be in bed -->
     <a alt="Groundhog day movie related videos"href=""><img src=""
        alt="Bill Murray with the captive groundhog"></a>
     <p>There are plenty of <a target="_blank"
href="">pictures of the Groundhog day movie</a> online.</p>
     <a target="_blank" href="">Groundhog day movie page at Wikipedia</a>

1.9. Step 17 another section

This one is empty.

   <h1>Groundhog day</h1>
     <h2>My favourite day</h2>
     <p>Weird day list</p>
     <!-- it's way too late, I should be in bed -->
     <a alt="Groundhog day movie related videos" href=""><img src=""
        alt="Bill Murray with the captive groundhog"></a>
     <p>There are plenty of <a target="_blank"
href="">pictures of the Groundhog day movie</a> online.</p>
     <a target="_blank" href="">Groundhog day movie page at Wikipedia</a>

1.10. Step 18 contents for the new section

Mozilla says a section should have a header.

   <h1>Groundhog day</h1>
     <h2>My favourite day</h2>
     <p>Weird day list</p>
     <!-- it's way too late, I should be in bed -->
     <a alt="Groundhog day movie related videos"href=""><img src=""
        alt="Bill Murray with the captive groundhog"></a>
     <p>There are plenty of <a target="_blank"
href="">pictures of the Groundhog day movie</a> online.</p>
     <a target="_blank" href="">Groundhog day movie page at Wikipedia</a>
     <h2>This movie is really good</h2>