Adventures in Tech Land. Season 4. Episode 3

Lots of elisp again rss feed

2024/02/23, 50th day

freeCodeCampe reboot 3/n

The reboot is really happening. If only because I need a stimulating way to procrastinate and something to do to avoid being stuck all day on the horrors happening in Palestine at the moment.

I managed to write some code that automatically updates a number of items in my templates.

Besides for the fact that the code, the variable names and the whole process is a bit messy, I'm at a place where I don't have to manually do much any more. I can focus on actual practice in freeCodeCamp and other places.

On the freeCodeCamp side, this time there are two things that I never used before. The <figure> tag that can have plenty of types of contents, but content should be self-contained so that it can be moved to a different position in the document. The <figure> can have a caption in a <figcaption> tag. The <figcaption> can contain the accessible description of the <figure>.

The second thing is the <form> element, that's used to send information to a process somewhere else. It comes with an action attribute that does something to the data and can contain <input> elements to actually gather data. <input> elements can have various attributes, including type, that describes the type of input, placeholder that gives a default value, name that names the input for processing in the target process, etc.

Unlike the previous days, I'll just put small code blocks to emphasize the step content. I also added the real HTML so that it shows how it renders on the page.

Step 19, <h3> heading

Heading number shows hierarchy.

  <h2>This movie is really good</h2>
  <h3>List of represented days</h3>

This movie is really good

List of represented days


Step 20, <ul> unordered list

List (empty for now) where items are not ordered.

  <h2>This movie is really good</h2>
  <h3>List of represented days</h3>

Step 21, <li> list item

The list contains list items

<h3>List of represented days</h3>
  <li>First day</li>
  <li>Second day</li>
  <li>Third day</li>

List of represented days


Step 22, Another image, under the list

<h3>List of represented days</h3>
  <li>First day</li>
  <li>Second day</li>
  <li>Third day</li>
<img alt="All the days of the year" src="">

Step 23, <figure>

"The <figure> HTML element represents self-contained content, potentially with an optional caption, which is specified using the <figcaption> element. The figure, its caption, and its contents are referenced as a single unit."

  <imgg alt="All the days of the year" src="">
  <figcaption>I can't see the image, so I can't tell</figcaption>
All the days of the year
I can't see the image, so I can't tell

Step 24, <figcaption>

I'm not doing it again.

"The <figcaption> HTML element represents a caption or legend describing the rest of the contents of its parent <figure> element, providing the <figure> an accessible description."

Step 25, <em> phasis

Emphasizing blindness. It is possible to inline-stype <figcaption>.

  <img alt="All the days of the year" src="">
  <figcaption>I <em>can't see</em> the image, so I can't tell</figcaption>

Step 26, A <h3> under the <figure>

Starting another subsection.

  <h2>This movie is really good</h2>
  <h3>List of represented days</h3>
    <li>First day</li>
    <li>Second day</li>
    <li>Third day</li>
    <img alt="All the days of the year" src="">
    <figcaption>I <em>can't see</em> the image, so I can't tell</figcaption>
  <h3>List of misrepresented days</h3>

Step 27, <ol> ordered lists

Some days are more important than others.

<h3>List of misrepresented days</h3>
  <li>Day A</li>
  <li>Day A’</li>
  <li>Day A’’</li>

Step 28, another figure under the list

Another figure under the list.

<h3>List of misrepresented days</h3>
  <li>Day A</li>
  <li>Day A’</li>
  <li>Day A’’</li>
  <img alt="Today, again?" src="">
  <figcaption>Déjà vu.</figcaption>

List of misrepresented days

  1. Day A
  2. Day A’
  3. Day A’’
Today, again?
Déjà vu.

Step 29, new <img>

Image added, above.

Step 30, new alt

alt added, above.

Step 31, new <figcaption>

<figcaption> added, above.

Step 32, <strong>

A strongly different way to emphasize.

  <img alt="Today, again?" src="">
  <figcaption>Dejà <strong>vu</strong>.</figcaption>

Step 33, last <section>


Step 34, new <h2> inside the new section

<h2>To know more about your potential days</h2>

Step 35 <form>

At last, something new and exciting.

<h2>To know more about your potential days</h2>

Step 36, action attribute

<h2>To know more about your potential days</h2>
<form action="someplace.on.the.web/get.your.GD.calendar"></form>

Step 37, <input> element, to send data

<h2>To know more about your potential days</h2>
<form action="someplace.on.the.web/get.your.GD.calendar">

Step 38, type attribute

The input element can have lots of types. One is text, to send text.

<h2>To know more about your potential days</h2>
<form action="someplace.on.the.web/get.your.GD.calendar">
  <input type="text"/>

Step 39, name your input to access it later

In order for a form's data to be accessed by the location specified in the action attribute, you must give the text field a name attribute and assign it a value to represent the data being submitted.

<h2>To know more about your potential days</h2>
<form action="someplace.on.the.web/get.your.GD.calendar">
  <input type="text" name="yourEmail"/>

Step 40, placeholding hints

<h2>To know more about your potential days</h2>
<form action="someplace.on.the.web/get.your.GD.calendar">
  <input type="text" name="yourEmail" placeholder="myName@myserver.stuff"/>

To know more about your potential days


Et voilà !